They started of on Wednesday 26 July discussing their designs together and working them out with the guidance of Jan van Nouhuys.
The real work began Monday 31 July. They are now in their second week, and the aim is to finish their objects by the end of this week.
The learning curve is steep.
Kaj Bras is new to the Masterclass. Recently he has been appointed as teacher silversmithing at the Vakschool (College for Gold- and Silversmithing). That is a challenge for him and he felt the need to learn more by means of this Masterclass. He is making a bowl-like object of silver with the addition of a certain type of brass.
Loucinda Nims, UK, is also a new participant this year. She is making an ingenious small box.
Patrick Davison, also from the UK, is hammering a 'square' goblet/container. To hammer that out of one piece of silver is a big task.
Mark Alexander makes an object in which he elaborates in the decoration on a theme which he used in earlier work. It strengthens his oeuvre and his mastery of this method of working.
Liv-Maritt is working on a jug/object. For her completely new aspects of silversmithing have to be tackled.