Opening exhibition 'Schaduwrijk'

Date: 29 Mar 2009
A slideshow of several images: Helena en JanOverzicht schaduwrijkHelena opening exhibition

The opening of the solo-exhibition of Helena Schepens 28 March 2009 was a lively occasion. People attending were fascinated by her delicate-looking work, and by her explanation of it as part of the opening ceremony :

"The working process is the thing I enjoy immensely, the hammering of a threedimensional work out of a flat sheet, feeling the form emerging underneath my hands.

Then the first drilling of a hole in a finished hammered work. A moment of pure magic : it is at that point that the solid sheet comes to life for me. By literally taking away a piece of material something is added on figuratively. It is a taking away yet at the same time filling : the surface is filled with a pattern."

The Kabelkrant (Schoonhoven TV) had pictures of the exhibition for some time, and Brussels TV made a film about Helena Schepens in which you see her at work, she tells about it, and an impression is given of the exhibition opening at Studio 925. You can view this at :